6 Best Youtube Channels for your Data Science Journey!

Geetika Kaushik
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2022


UPDATE: Started my Youtube Channel recently ,have a look here!

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

There are some special channels that have helped me immensely in my Data Science development and I believe it’s important I share them with you. Brace Yourself.

1. Data Science Dream Job

6.4k Subscribers

Data Science dream job is all about getting hired. This channel will teach you all the necessary things you need to do to get hired and to progress in your career as a Data Scientist. Despite not being active for the past 9 months, there are so many nuggets that can be taken, such as, how to negotiate your salary like an FBI agent all the way to cracking the job interview. Many of the talks are set up as a whiteboard session and are really easy to follow.


1.02m Subscribers

It’s pretty obvious why Sentdex has upwards of 1 million subscribers on Youtube. If you need a tutorial on anything to do with Python and many things to do with Machine Learning, then it’s highly likely that Sentdex has a tutorial on it. Sentdex videos are very approachable and he tends to go in-depth with all his tutorials without bamboozling you with lots of unnecessary jargon.

3.Krish Naik

334k Subscribers

Not only does he cover everything from cloud computing, to Python how-to tutorials, to Productionizing Machine Learning, to Data Structures and Algorithms, and lots of other topics that are useful to Data Scientists, he also posts videos at least 3 times a week! His work rate is phenomenal, and he deserves a lot of credit for all the effort he’s been putting in.

4.StatQuest with Josh Starmer

451k Subscribers

If his cheesy songs don’t get you then it will be his quality content. When it comes to developing my Intuition about any Machine Learning algorithm, Josh Starmer is the best. He has a very fun way of teaching Machine Learning which definitely helps with painting a vivid image in your mind.

5.Corey Schafer

740k Subscribers

Corey often tends to do tutorials and walkthroughs for software developers, programmers, engineers, and generally anyone that wishes to learn the fundamental concepts of programming languages and tools.

If you program in Python, make sure you subscribe to his channel. You will not regret it!


3.32m Subscribers

freeCodeCamp is almost like a hub website that hosts tons of different courses you can take to upskill. The courses are not only dedicated to Data Science and Data Analysis, but you could also learn Mathematics, Computer Science Concepts, Gaming tutorials, and many more.


Becoming a Data Scientist is a very difficult task and will almost always demand you seek out people more advanced in order for you to get to the next level. If you’re working on a problem that you’re finding difficult, it’s likely one of these channels has in some way, shape, or form, already covered the task it is you’re stuck on. With that being said, there are most definitely more Youtube Channels that are exceptional but I’ve failed to mention. Link to them in the comments section!

Thanks for reading! Connect with me on LinkedIn to stay up to date with my latest post on Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Freelancing.



Geetika Kaushik

Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador , ML Enthusiast